Election results of Rajasthan and neighbouring states: people’s verdict or babas’ wrath

As the election results of Rajasthan, Chhatisgarh, and MP, shock the Nation, every camp are busy in the analysis. Camp Congress, may be overwhelmed, but yet they may be analyzing what factor worked for them and how they can replicate the same in other states. Camp BJP is definitely busy contemplating the factors causing the loss of seats.

Well, it is clearly evident, that certain decisions of the BJP Govt. proved costly for them. Experts cite the biggest reason going against the ruling party, is a conviction of religious leaders with such huge following. Bapu Asaram, being one, but the costliest decisions have certainly been the conviction of Baba Ram Rahim. his followers are definitely some hard nuts to break. And while BJP may not have guessed, they surely know it, now. the demonetization and GST, took its tolls, Scams cornered the Govt. in 2018, and the Govt was definitely in soup, with one scam after another. Event the CBI’s officers’ blame game, RBI Governor’s resignation, is all proving to be a lost game for the party.

While all these factors are cited, the biggest being Baba Ram Rahim. Even Vasundhara Raje has admitted the same, right after the results. Now the question arises, can BJP afford to take chances in other states, where Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh has more number of followers than Rajasthan or MP. Possibly no and lotus camp, must definitely be in some serious “Manthan”, trying to figure a way out. Election results are definitely an eye opener for both Congress and BJP. What is working for Congress, is the decisions by the ruling party and they are definitely gaining from the same. Whatever, the case, the coming months are going to prove a roller coaster ride for the political parties, and it’s sure going to take good immune levels, to make through these, for our politicians.

Can we call it Babas’ curse? Well, this may be a laughing stock, but camp BJP may have some tough times ahead.


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